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The wine made in Qvevri/ქვევრის ღვინო/Вино Квеври

The wine made in Qvevri/ქვევრის ღვინო/Вино Квеври

Eight thousand years ago, people in Georgia began making wine in Qvevri, and this tradition has endured to this day. New York Times journalist Alice Feiring writes: “For hard-core wine purists, a pilgrimage must be made to eastern Georgia, where they still use a 8,000-year-old technology called qvevri. There, wine is aged in huge, beeswax-lined, turret-shaped clay pots that are…

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The wine made from Rkatsiteli grape variety/რქაწითელი/ Ркатсители

The wine made from Rkatsiteli grape variety/რქაწითელი/ Ркатсители

Rkatsiteli (in Georgian – “red horn”) is a high-value Georgian wine grape of medium ripeness. In the distant past, the Rkatsiteli was called Kukhura. It has a late maturity. The leaves are medium, rounded with three or five lobes; clusters are medium or large, cylindrical-conical. The berries are medium, oval, greenish-yellow with brown spots. The period from observation to ripening…

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Winemaking history of Georgia

Winemaking history of Georgia

For centuries, winemaking in Georgia has been considered one of the most important types of production, contributing to both the strengthening and prosperity of the country. Viniculture has become the basis of Georgian national culture. The Georgian people in various ways tried to express their love for this culture, which can be seen in traditional Georgian ornaments, poetry and paintings.…

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The wine made from Saperavi grape variety/ მუკუზანი/ Мукузани

The wine made from Saperavi grape variety/ მუკუზანი/ Мукузани

The Saperavi grape variety makes Mukuzani Red Dry Wine. Saperavi is one of the oldest and most widespread grape varieties in Georgia. In terms of economic and technological features, Saperavi is not equal to world red varieties. It is characterized by relatively high productivity and excellent adaptation to the environment. Wine made from Saperavi vies with some of the best…

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