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Leading scientists around the world are looking for effective treatments for COVID -19 and have started using Chloroquine, Lopinavir, Remdesivir, Avigan, and more. The low efficacy and side effects of these drugs are forcing scientists to continue their research. Before doctors reach their goal, we offer a treatment method that can cure the patient in 2-3 days. In particular, Saperavi…

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Badagoni / ბადაგონი

Badagoni / ბადაგონი

კომპანია “ბადაგონი”(Badagoni) დაარსდა 2006 წელს მეღვინეობის ცენტრში, კახეთში, ახმეტის რაიონის სოფელ ზემო ხოდაშენში.  კომპანიის სახელად აღებულ  იქნა სიუხვისა და ნაყოფიერების, ვაზისა და ღვინის, დღეგრძელობისა და გამრავლების ქართული ღვთაება – ბადაგონი. კომპანია ჩამოაყალიბა მეღვინეობის დიდმა პროფესიონალმა და საუკეთესო ორგანიზატორმა ბატონმა გიორგი სალაყაიამ. ტექნოლოგიური პროცესის და თვითეული მარკის ღვინის დახვეწაში დიდი დახმარება გაუწია ცნობილმა იტალიელმა ენოლოჯისტმა პროფესორმა დონატო ლანატიმ. კომპანიის მისიაა ქართულ ტრადიციებზე…

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Tsinandali / წინანდალი / Тсинандали

Tsinandali / წინანდალი / Тсинандали

Tsinandali is a dry white wine of the highest quality. It is produced in the microzone Tsinandali Kakheti region. Vineyards expands along the northeastern slope of the Tsivgombor gorge at 300 – 750 m above sea level with a dry subtropical climate. The villages include Akura, Vanta, Busheti, Nizhny Khodasheni, Tsinandali, Kisiskhevi, Kondoli, Nasamkhrali, Shalauri, Kurdgelauri, Vardisubani, Gulgula, Ikalto, Ruispiri. It is prepared from Rkatsiteli grape varieties (85%) and Kahuri Mtsvane (15%).                   

 A greenish-straw color characterizes the wine. It distinguishes a harmonious, sophisticated bouquet, with a full floral aroma and the taste of ripe peaches and tropical fruits.  The alcohol content is in the range of 10.5% – 12 sugar no more than 3, and acidity 5 – 7.     

Tsinandali wine was first prepared and bottled by Prince Alexander Chavchavadze in the early nineteenth century on his estate Tsinandali, which is one of the most beautiful places in Georgia. At different times, it was visited by such well-known persons as Alexander Dumas, French historian Marie Felicite Brosay, Emperor Alexander 1, poets Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Alexander Griboedov. The famous Frenchman Alexander Dumas was so delighted with the hospitality and estate of Alexander Chavchavadze that he called it the “Garden of Eden.”

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Wine Tasting Secrets                                                                                            /ღვინის დაგემოვნების საიდუმლოებანი/                                                     Секреты Дегустации Вина

Wine Tasting Secrets /ღვინის დაგემოვნების საიდუმლოებანი/ Секреты Дегустации Вина

Today, a few people know how long a road the wine “travels” before it is poured into a glass, what you need to pay attention to when evaluating wine, what you need to consider when tasting it and how to choose wine for a particular dish. With this short note, we want to remind the reader about the elementary rules…

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The history of Prince Dimitry Kipiani wine/         თავად დიმიტრი ყიფიანის ღვინის ისტორია/             История вина князя Дмитрия Кипиани

The history of Prince Dimitry Kipiani wine/ თავად დიმიტრი ყიფიანის ღვინის ისტორია/ История вина князя Дмитрия Кипиани

Racha is a small, exotic, winemaking region of Georgia, famous for its natural semi-sweet wine Khvanchkara, the production of which was established by Prince Dimitry Kipiani in the 1880s. From the unique Aleksandrouli and Muzhuretuli grape varieties of his family estate, Prince Dimitry Kipiani, through incomplete fermentation, got a fantastic semi-sweet red wine with an incomparably delicate and velvety aroma.…

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With what did Stalin treat Roosevelt and Churchill in Tehran? /რით გაუმასპინძლდა სტალინი რუზველტს და ჩერჩილს თეირანში? /Чем угостил Сталин в Тегеране Рузвельта и Черчиля?

With what did Stalin treat Roosevelt and Churchill in Tehran? /რით გაუმასპინძლდა სტალინი რუზველტს და ჩერჩილს თეირანში? /Чем угостил Сталин в Тегеране Рузвельта и Черчиля?

In 1943, the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition gathered in Tehran to discuss military-political problems. The head of the British delegation was the famous Prime Minister of Great Britain Sir Winston Churchill, and the US delegation was headed by Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt – the only president in the history of the United States elected 4 times. The delegation of…

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The healing properties of white wine /თეთრი ღვინის სამკურნალო თვისებები/ Лечебные свойства белого вина

The healing properties of white wine /თეთრი ღვინის სამკურნალო თვისებები/ Лечебные свойства белого вина

Wine has always had a reputation for extending and enhancing the quality of life. The Framingham Heart Study, which was first launched in 1948 and spanned over three generations of participants, shows that deaths from ischemic diseases are 50 percent lower among drinkers than non-drinkers. Due to the content of powerful antioxidants quercetin and epicatechin, which in turn suppress the…

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The healing properties of red wine / წითელი ღვინის სამკურნალო თვისებები/ Лечебные свойства красного вина

  Red wine contains complex ingredients with many healing properties. It supplies the body with macro- and microelements, vitamins, amino acids. Red wine is high in resveratrol, and it may offer various health benefits. Resveratrol may boost heart health, protect against some kinds of cancer, and prevent some types of vision loss. It is rich in sedative, coloring, pectin, phenolic substances…

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