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Wine and dish pairing. The variant 2/ღვინისა და კერძის შეხამება. ვარიანტი 2/ Сочетания вина и блюда. Вариант 2

Wine and dish pairing. The variant 2/ღვინისა და კერძის შეხამება. ვარიანტი 2/ Сочетания вина и блюда. Вариант 2

If you have a light fish soup on the table, it will go well with dry white wine: Rkatsiteli, Tsinandali, or semi-dry white Pirosmani. Grilled salmon, smoked trout, mussels, shrimps, smoked salmon, caviar go well with red dry Saperavi, Mukuzani, semi-dry red Pirosmani. Wine is better chilled at 15-17 degrees with fish. At such temperatures, the wine will not fully…

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Wine and dish pairing. The variant 1/ღვინისა და კერძის შეხამება.  ვარიანტი 1/ Сочетания вина и блюда. Вариант 1

Wine and dish pairing. The variant 1/ღვინისა და კერძის შეხამება. ვარიანტი 1/ Сочетания вина и блюда. Вариант 1

Wine and dish should be paired in such way that neither’s dignity is violated. The wine and the meal should retain the flavor they had before the pairing. If you have grilled meat with smoked meat on the table, combine them with dry wines aged in white oak: Qvevri White Alaverdi Tradition, Alaverdi Tradition Red Dry Wine, Mukuzani, Kakheti Noble…

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General principles of wine and meals pairing/ღვინის და კერძის შეხამების ზოგადი პრინციპები/Общие принципы сочетания вина и блюд

General principles of wine and meals pairing/ღვინის და კერძის შეხამების ზოგადი პრინციპები/Общие принципы сочетания вина и блюд

Proper mixing of wine and food is a world trend of the modern day. Well-selected wine gives the dish an exceptional taste. If the wine is light to drink, it will combine better with lighter dishes. If dishes made from red meat, it’s mostly paired with red and alcohol-rich wines. Desserts are accompanied by wines whose sweetness is not inferior to the generosity of the dessert itself. Salt suppresses the acidity of the wine. Therefore, it is better to use dry wines with salty dishes. Dry wine is not recommended to be used with sweet dishes. Enjoy sweet wines with sweet dishes. It is better not to drink wine at all with meals with vinegar. Rules exist everywhere, just as the exceptions to these rules, though one thing is clear: no wine in the world is equally suitable for all dishes.

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How wine affects weight/როგორ მოქმედებს ღვინო წონაზე/как вино влияет на вес

How wine affects weight/როგორ მოქმედებს ღვინო წონაზე/как вино влияет на вес

 It is well-known, that regular drinking of beer increases the size of the abdomen. Wine studies, on the other hand, have the opposite results. In particular, women who drank one glass of wine a day weighed ten pounds less than those who did not drink wine. Therefore, when you are on a diet, keep in mind that small doses of…

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The secret of the red wine cosmetic mask/                                                                             წითელი ღვინის კოსმეტიკური ნიღბის საიდუმლო/                                                         Секрет косметической маски из красного вина

The secret of the red wine cosmetic mask/ წითელი ღვინის კოსმეტიკური ნიღბის საიდუმლო/ Секрет косметической маски из красного вина

A cosmetic mask made of red wine and milk cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, removes dead cells, fades wrinkles, enriches the skin with amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and tonic substances. Apply the mask on clean skin in the evening, leave on for 20 minutes, and rinse with cold water. And in the morning, it is desirable to clean the…

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Akhasheni is a high-quality red, naturally semi-sweet wine with a dark-pomegranate color, and a pleasant, harmonious, velvety, full and refined taste, fruit tones, and varietal aroma. It is made from the Saperavi grape variety of Akhasheni micro-zone. The specific viticulture zone located in Shida Kakheti, Gurdjaani municipality, in the middle of the Alazani Valley. Unlike other microzones, it is rich…

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SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, even with a mild illness, damages the immune system and disrupts the metabolism of vitamins. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen the immune system during the rehabilitation period. If during the treatment period, stewed vegetables with onions and garlic predominates in food, then it is useful to eat raw vegetables with green onions and garlic during…

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An essential part of COVID-19 treatment is diet therapy. The patient’s food should be unsalted and easily digestible. It is useful to take stewed vegetables without pepper and sauces (carrots, broccoli, red cabbage,  onions, garlic, parsley, and dill). You can eat boiled chicken and turkey 2-3 times a week. From fish dishes – trout, tuna, shrimps. Such food goes well…

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